Sunday, 15 January 2017

WJEC A2 Film Studies Unit FM4 Section B- Spectatorship Studies

Spectatorship theories are based on the belief that film is an affective medium – that spectators are affected by watching films.

The nature of that affect can be:
  • Short term (the length of the film)
  • Medium term (a few hours or days after the film)
  • Long term (years after the film)
The nature of that affect can also be psychological, intellectual, emotional or physical, for example
  • Psychological – 
  • Intellectual –
  • Emotional – 
  • Physical –
Task 1: In groups discuss what is meant by each.
If possible, give examples of films that could impact its audience in these ways.

Task 2: Consider the clips within the presentation.

A2 film fm4 b spectatorship introductory film clips (examples) 

Consider the previous exam question shown below and identify 3 films in which the soundtrack impacts on the emotional response of the audience. Say which emotions 

  • "How important is the soundtrack in influencing the spectator's emotional response to a film?"

 Examples of emotional response verbs:
amuse, annoy, baffle, bewilder, bore, confuse, depress, disappoint, excite, frighten, frustrate, interest, motivate, overwhelm, please, puzzle, shock, surprise.


Spectatorship: Popular Film and Emotional Response
Your answer should be based on a minimum of two films.
15. Explore possible reasons to explain why a second or third viewing of a film can actually increase the emotional response rather than lessen it. [35]
16. How far is the emotional response to mainstream films triggered by specific techniques used by the filmmakers? [35]

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