Sunday, 14 May 2017

Approaching Section C

Grade boundaries – sections A and B are 35 marks each, section C is 30 marks, making a total of 100.

As a rough guide:
80 – 100% = A; 70 - 79% = B; 60 - 69% = C; 50 - 59% = D; 40 – 49% = E; 0 – 39% = U

Section C: Single Film – Critical Study (A01 and A02, 30 marks)

One question to be answered from a choice of two questions general to all films and a specific question set for each film prescribed (Vertigo is ours).

Section C : Close Critical Study

· If you do one of the general questions you can prepare an answer...
· The one about critical debates/reception has a simple formula to it :

For example:
How far has particular writing by critics been important in developing your understanding and appreciation of your chosen film?

· Intro in which you outline controversy/polar reactions – perhaps with a couple of dramatically contradictory statements of praise/criticism ...

· Isolate several key issues – e.g. narrative devices, masculinity in crisis as a major theme and the way that theme is examined, critique of consumerism at a moment in USA history, women blamed for a male identity crisis, Fincher’s style, excessive violence, – and find further quotations

· You may need to then give examples of scenes likely to have produced the reaction; and :

· Do some analysis of the scenes you identify; perhaps contextualising them by giving us an insight into Fincher’s intentions in his own words

· Conclude! This could involve your own position on the film; and how looking at it more closely has affected your perspective?

· Remember – point/example/analysis/ counterpoint!

How far has particular writing by critics been important in developing your understanding and appreciation of your chosen film?

Task 1: Spend 20 minutes researching and planning your answer for the following question:
How far has particular writing by critics been important in developing your understanding and appreciation of your chosen film?

Task 2: Write a response to the question above. 
Complete this for homework and submit via e-mail to me when complete.

Level 4 (A – A*)
·  An excellent, detailed and sophisticated knowledge and understanding of the chosen film.
·  Sound knowledge and understanding of critical writings generated by the film, whether among reviewers, academics or both.
·  An ability to explore the degree to which an awareness of critical debate has deepened the candidate’s understanding and appreciation of the chosen film.

·  (The very best candidates) … will demonstrate a sophisticated use of critical reading and may well play off one piece of critical writing against another in developing a more complex argument.

Task 3:  Spend 20 minutes researching and planning your answer for the following question:
For the first time, in 2012, Vertigo, made in 1958, was voted ‘the greatest film ever made’ by Sight and Sound magazine. Why should the film be so highly regarded today?
An excellent, detailed knowledge and understanding of Vertigo.

An ability to recognise aspects of the film that give it high critical status

An ability to answer the question directly which includes a strong focus on ‘today’ – on the ways in which the film strikes a contemporary audience as a film of distinction.

(The very best candidates) …will be distinguished by the sophistication of their argument and the range of arguments presented.

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