To complete your practical work you need to write a reflective analysis of 1000 words. This must be presented in the usual format i.e. double line spaced, Calibri, Ariel or similar sans serif font, size 10/12, with a header and footer. The header should include the following:
- Your Name, Your Candidate Number
- WJEC Advanced Film Studies Unit FM3 Creative Project
- Summer 2016
- Reflective Analysis of Creative Work
The footer should contain cumulative page numbering.
It should include/discuss:
How successful the work was produced in terms of meeting its aims and context. Themes, issues, style and music should be assessed in terms of appealing to its target audience. (Refer to key films and filmmakers/screenwriters whilst also highlighting and defining your intended means of exhibition - arthouse/mainstream/film festivals etc)
How well you utilised certain styles, techniques and methods of production in your work. What was successful, less successful and/or unsuccessful in your intended aims (refer to your aims and context: be critical of your own work).
Give a critical account of exactly what your role was in the process and discuss; difficulties encountered in production (technical or group dynamics). Assess your own abilities; strengths/weaknesses. Refer to elements that you have altered to meet its aims.
A discussion of what you have learnt about the filmmaking process and the difficulties that may be encountered by undertaking this practical exercise and a critical reflection of the whole process.
The supporting written work for this assignment should be detailed, concise and show a good grasp of all elements of the filmmaking/screenwriting process throughout. Your ability to identify styles, techniques and influences on your work should reflect a strong understanding of the chosen form you have worked within.
Further Guidance: The exam board rightly finds it unrealistic that you will be able to complete an entire production report highlighting everything that went well or wrong. Instead, they advise you to adopt the same perspective as your AS micro analysis, focusing on aspects of your production rather than providing a comprehensive overview of the production process.
As a starting point: -‐ You may wish (in your groups or individually) to think of 5 scenes of your production that you will definitely discuss.
What creative decisions did you make? Were they the right ones? How were they affected by your aims & contexts? -
You also will need to focus somewhat on your roles within the production.
You were still responsible for overseeing one aspect of it.
Focus on what your role entailed in the context of particular scenes.
Marking Criteria for Reflective Analysis:
Level 4 (12-‐15 marks)
• A detailed and perceptive account of the creative process and production
• Excellent, perceptive consideration of the relative success of the product in relation to its aims, audience and context
• An excellent sense of how far it has been possible to work creatively within the conventions of the chosen product’s medium. Quality of (written) communication
• Excellently structured and accurate use of appropriate language to communicate clearly.
Task 1:
Task 1:
Using the given marking criteria, you should award a level to the exemplar work provided.
Task 2:
Produce a plan for your own reflective analysis. This should be one side of A4 and submitted at the end of the lesson.
Task 2:
Produce a plan for your own reflective analysis. This should be one side of A4 and submitted at the end of the lesson.