Students as individual spectators
Example exam question:
15. How far do spectators
respond to the emotional content of films in the way that the filmmakers intended? [35]
Starter: Make notes on the whiteboards.
Why do you think it makes sense for filmmakers to try to appeal to the intellect and the emotions of the film spectator?
This study is
concerned with the ways in which popular film (whether deriving from Hollywood
or elsewhere) produces powerful sensory and emotional responses in the
spectator. It is possible to focus on a particular genre – such as horror and
consider shock effects – or the melodrama as ‘weepie’. Alternatively, the focus
may be on spectacle, whether relating to the body of the star or the
staging/choreography of action. This topic is
not concerned specifically with issues of representation or value
judgements but rather with developing understanding about how films create the
emotional responses they do. It is
expected that a minimum of two feature-length films will be studied for this
Task 1: Write down one sequence from City of God that you had an emotional response to.
Task 2: Write down one sequence from Natural Born Killers. that you had an emotional response to.
Task 3: Write down one sequence from The Crying Game that you had an emotional response to.
alternative definition of emotion is a "positive or negative experience
that is associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity.“
On the handout provided, indicate why you may have responded emotionally to the extract of each film. Consider style/language/Narrative/Performance.
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