Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Natural Born Killers - Filmmakers intentiions

The message of Natural Born Killers is not that violence is engendered by the system or even that violence is inherent in the system, but that violence IS the system. In such a society where violence is the stock and trade, natural born killers rise to the top. In fact, they are destined to rule as royalty, natural born.

The message of NBK is clear. So clear that we focus our attention upon it, just as we watch a magician's right hand while his left is palming the ball. Virtually all the media talk in articles and reviews has been riveted to the issue of violence. Meanwhile, Oliver Stone is performing his magic behind the smoke and mirrors. His intent? To make us more sensitized to the violence in our everyday lives so that we might question its validity. His method? A brilliant form of propaganda.


List the main characters and define their roles in the film Natural Born Killers.


Task 1: 
Watch the key scenes of NBK and list how the occasions of narrative shock have been constructed.
Consider; Settings, costumes/props, sound, camera angles/movement, editing, body language, connotations.

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