Sunday, 26 March 2017

Assessment 8 Response PF and ER

Explore some of the ways in which emotional response is generated through the filmmaker’s use of narrative techniques in the films you have studied for this topic. [35]

One of the key words here is ‘explore’, this implies a detailed analysis. So include specific extracts from the case studies.

You need to demonstrate your understanding of the terminology used.

1. For example; what is meant by emotional response?

2. Notice that the focus of this question is on filmmaker’s use of narrative techniques, these would need to defined too.


The mark scheme for this question says to look for the following:

 An excellent knowledge of the films studied for this topic, specifically the narrative techniques they deploy. 

 A good appreciation of how narrative techniques can be used to ‘manage’ the spectator response. 

 An ability to develop a coherent exploration which may be based on productive similarities and contrasts between film examples and which is based on a sound understanding of spectatorship issues. 

 (The very best candidates) … may demonstrate a particularly sophisticated understanding and appreciation of narrative techniques in mainstream films, using this to offer advanced insights in spectatorship.
You need to be able to consider the following for inclusion in your response to the question:

Historical/Political/Social Context - What issues is the filmmaker dealing with?

What were the film-maker’s  Intentions in relation to the above?

What use of Use of Film Language- Macro and Micro elements in specific scenes can you describe?

How did the Film Affect You personally? Change of Opinion/Learned New Information/Left a Strong Impression/Affected You Deeply?

Task 1: 
Look at the specific extracts shown on the handout provided.
In the boxes, comment on each of the following:

Emotional manipulation



Variation on responses.

Spectatorship theories are based on the belief that film is an affective medium – that spectators are affected by watching films
If we accept that film is an affective medium with the power to affect our emotions then we need to consider the ways in which it does that:

•Director/Screenwriter’s Intentions
•Star Performance
•Narrative Structure
•Film Language
•Historical/Political/Social Context

Task 2: Using the handout provided, comment on each of the points listed above in relation to the scenes indicated.

Case studies extracts:

The Crying Game

Glasshouse Scene

City of God


Natural Born Killers

I love Mallory


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